Rotor and Propeller Analysis Tools: Download Excel File Here

I have created a spreadsheet that contains a blade element momentum analysis that can be used for any propeller or rotor. It includes Prandtl tip and root losses, and can be customized with any blade geometry. User can choose from the following inputs:
- Linear or Optimized twist
- Linear or Optimized taper
- Linear lift curve slope or input a table for airfoils
- Polynomial based drag approximation or input a table
Wind Turbine Blade Element Momentum Analysis:
I have found a great resource for predicting wind turbine aerodynamics, loads, and dynamics:
National Wind Technology Center - NWTC: This site contains many free codes that can be run to predict wind turbine performance
For Aerodynamic Performance of Wind Turbines:
The code I have used for aerodynamic performance of a wind turbine is WT_PERF by Marshall Buhl. It is very well documented and runs on Windows PC. There are many codes on the web site, all of which are free, that can be downloaded and run on PC.
For Airfoil Data:
For questions on how to run the codes and general wind turbine design there is a great forum that these guys set up:
Fixed Wing Aircraft Conceptual Design Tool: Download Excel File Here

This is a spreadsheet based tool, that allows the user to enter design constraints and mission requirements, and obtain a preliminary sizing of a fixed wing aircraft. Here is the report which follows the step - by- step process for designing a Close Air Support Aircraft to replace the A-10 Thunderbolt II. Click here for more details.
Helicopter Performance Analysis: Download Excel File Here

The attached Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet contains a programs that calculates Helicopter performance based on power equations and momentum theory. These equations can be found in Principles of Helicopter Aerodynamics J. Gordon Leishman, Cambridge University Press, 2000. The spreadsheet also contains public data of several production helicopters and compares the results to published data.