Drawings/Design: by Mark Grabowski, and Michael Duffy
Fabrication: Mark Grabowski, Michael Duffy, Shawn Schembri
Okay, we decided that it takes to long to hand carve a propeller, so we decided to design and build a propeller duplicator from scratch.
So from beginning to end I will take you through the long, and tedious process of manufacturing this thing. Cause designing it was the easy part.
Fabrication: Basically the design was based off of what we thought we could find in the scrap yard. If we could only find a round tube where a square one was suppose to go, then we used the round tube. Periodically there will be slight deviations from design because of this reason. Don't be alarmed, Mark knows everything.
Actual Propeller Duplication
Video of Propeller Duplicator in Action!